Preppi Lifetime Warranty

We believe in our products and stand by the quality of workmanship, craftsmanship and materials of each emergency bag.

All of our bags are Made in the USA of the highest quality materials: thick canvas, tough leather, and heavy duty construction. We guarantee the lifetime of each bag against failure or damage from its intended usage.


  • Workmanship and craftsmanship (i.e. sewing)
  • Materials (i.e. canvas)
  • Production defects (i.e. construction of canvas and leather)

General wear and damage caused by accident or by using the item for other than its intended purpose is not covered— this includes water, animal damage, damage caused by mishandling via airline or shipping companies, extreme wear and third-party alterations made to the item. Likewise, fluctuating fit, abuse of product, and disregard for the product care instructions are not covered ( never wash or launder Preppi products). Our guarantee does not cover the contents of the bag (such as food, water, first-aid, or other supplies), only the bag itself.  In the event coverage is needed please email us. Every item is subject to an evaluation by our Returns Team and Preppi reserves the right to deny replacement if any qualities listed above are detected.  

Our guarantee applies to Preppi items purchased via Preppi's website ( Please note proof of purchase from is required.